
Getting Started with Pallapay

For businesses that want to use Pallapay crypto payment API, here are the steps to open an account and get an API key so you can make your first API call.

Basic Steps

  1. Sign up in Pallapay (opens in a new tab) and complete the personal and business verification process.
  2. Create a new merchant in Pallapay dashboard.
  3. Get your API Key and Secret Key after merchant approval.
  4. Now you can use Pallapay API and make API calls.

Call Pallapay API

To use our API you need to provide X-Palla-Api-Key, X-Palla-Sign and X-Palla-Timestamp headers.

  • X-Palla-Api-Key: Your Pallapay API Key
  • X-Palla-Timestamp: Current datetime in timestamp format (Example: 1672266248)
  • X-Palla-Sign: Signature value (See how to sign in next section)

How To Sign The Request

Here you can see how to make X-Palla-Sign

method = "GET"
full_path = "/api/ping"
api_timestamp = "1672266248" # Current timestamp that we will provide as "X-Palla-Timestamp"
prepared_str = request_method.upper() + full_path.lower() + api_timestamp
signature_str =
    bytes(merchant.secret_key, 'latin-1'),
    msg=bytes(prepared_str, 'latin-1'),

Call The API

Method: GET

Full Example (Python)

timestamp = str(round(
secret_key = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
path = "/api/v1/api/ping"
url = "" + path
prepared_str = "GET" + path + timestamp
signature_str =
    bytes(secret_key, 'latin-1'),
    msg=bytes(prepared_str, 'latin-1'),
headers = {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    'X-Palla-Api-Key': "YOUR_API_KEY",
    'X-Palla-Sign': signature_str,
    'X-Palla-Timestamp': timestamp
response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)
result = json.loads(response.text)
# {'data': {'result': 'pong'}, 'message': 'Operation was successful', 'is_successful': True}

Using SDK or eCommerce Plugins. (Easy Way)

We provide SDKs in various programming languages to help you use Pallapay API. We also provide plugins for many eCommerce solutions.

You can use Pallapay SDKs to save development time.